September 03. 2019, 01:35 PM [Tooniversal v4.5.3]
New Content:
- New racing physics have been implemented!
- Anvils are finally implemented in races!
- Added new Toon Tips into the loading screen.
- The Trash Can cheesy effect can now be earned from ToonTasks!
- Updated the Whitelist with a few new words!
Bug Fixes:
- Drop gags are no longer replaced with work-in-progress Spin gags.
- Resolved a bug with Doodle name approvals.
- The scientists are no longer facing backwards in the Toon Hall.
- Resolved a client crash with the ToonTask Map.
- Resolved a client crash that might occur while switching districts.
- Fixed Spin gags always missing in battle.
- Fixed wrong dialogue during a DD quest.
- The "No districts are available" dialog will no longer freeze the game.
- Fixed a potential exploit with Racing gags.